Thursday, May 10, 2012

Lethal Rider by Larissa Ione ~

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Thanatos, or Death, the most deadly of the Four Hosemen of the Apocolypse, has been kept in a stasis for the last 8 month by his brother Ares, or War, and his sister Limos, or Famine ~ ever since he'd lost his virginity to the Aegis Demon Slayer Regan Cooper.  For when Than becomes angry, Death becomes him, and he rages through people and towns without thought, only anger. For the thousands of years he's lived, so it's been.  But they'd always thought that his virginity was his Seal, therefore Than had always avoided sex...but when he rises from his forced stasis, the first thing he wants is Regan's death...the next is HER. 

Reagan would do anything for the Aegis, and that they'd asked her to get pregnant w/ Death's child to help stop the Apocolypse?  She was totally on board w/ that.  Whatever it takes.  Except when Than kidnaps her from Aegis headquarters, and she's forced to spend time with time, to realize that this warrior has been treated unfairly by ALL of them, she's forced to face that what she did was wrong...and to spend time getting to know Than. 

I LOVED this book ~ Than and Regan have so many issues between them, not the least of which is that she pretty much raped him at the end of the last book to become pregnant.  They are both flawed, and hard headed and determined that they are right.  I really liked how it came through that they learned as they went along, about each other, and about the baby she carries.  And while this book is fairly serious in tone, you still get those snort, giggle and LOL moments that Larissa Ione is famous for...her Heroes totally rock, and we get to see most of them in this book, as UG plays a pretty big role. 

The tension that has been building up with the Aegis comes to a surprising head ~ and once again Reaver tries to take over the story.  Love that Angel, can't WAIT to get his book.  But I digress ~ the fate of the world hinges on the 3 Horsemen finding and taking out the 4th, their brother Reseph, or as he's now known, Pestilence.  I'm not going to go into this alot, as it's hard to w/out giving spoilers, but I'll say I was surprised, saddened, and surprised again by where this story lines takes us...and pleased w/ how Than made choices involving Regan and his unborn son. 

AND just so you know...she totally leaves us hanging for the next book!
And I can't WAIT!!

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